The praise of recently deceased Gordon B. Hinckley, president of the Mormon Church (LDS), begins this week as men and women around the world laud this man who continued the pattern of 2 Timothy 3:13-"...while evil people and impostors will go on from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived." He is yet another example of men who desire to put forth an evil lie as being "truth" all the while knowing that it is false.
Think about this reality for a moment: The central authorities of the LDS church know that no such golden tablets given to Joseph Smith exist in their secure vault, yet they continue to hold fast to their assertions! How evil and demonic is such a position!
We ought not be surprised by this situation however as we know that men have always preferred the vain creations of men's minds and hands to the humiliating position that one can only be saved by God's grace without NOTHING to contribute and a preference for the shedding of God's rightful authority to the self-determined moral grounds of man-made religion. May we all heed the warnings of Paul in Colossians 2:8-"See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the world, and not according to Christ" (emphasis mine). The central issue is that Hinckley and the other Mormons are putting forth a man-made philosophy that is not according to Christ, that actually denies the Christ of the Bible. May we not be deceived by America's mantra that all religions are equally true and fall into the trap of thinking that Mormons are good people, another form of true Christianity, or other such nonsense, but pray that God will perhaps show them grace and convert them to a true saving knowledge of Jesus Christ according to Scripture. Guard your hearts, pray for unbelievers and preach the Word.
Think about this reality for a moment: The central authorities of the LDS church know that no such golden tablets given to Joseph Smith exist in their secure vault, yet they continue to hold fast to their assertions! How evil and demonic is such a position!
We ought not be surprised by this situation however as we know that men have always preferred the vain creations of men's minds and hands to the humiliating position that one can only be saved by God's grace without NOTHING to contribute and a preference for the shedding of God's rightful authority to the self-determined moral grounds of man-made religion. May we all heed the warnings of Paul in Colossians 2:8-"See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the world, and not according to Christ" (emphasis mine). The central issue is that Hinckley and the other Mormons are putting forth a man-made philosophy that is not according to Christ, that actually denies the Christ of the Bible. May we not be deceived by America's mantra that all religions are equally true and fall into the trap of thinking that Mormons are good people, another form of true Christianity, or other such nonsense, but pray that God will perhaps show them grace and convert them to a true saving knowledge of Jesus Christ according to Scripture. Guard your hearts, pray for unbelievers and preach the Word.
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